General Internal Medicine
Acute medicine
SSSSC capacity in sleep medicine
FMH member

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alain bigin younossian Career

Head Physician, Cardiopulmonary and Intermediate Care Unit, Hôpital de La Tour, Genève, Suisse

  • Head Physician, Department of Pulmonology and Intensive Care,
    Hôpital de La Tour, Genève, Suisse
  • Consultant Physician, Adult Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit,
    Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Genève, Suisse
  • Member of the medical board and certified physician,
    Cenas Centre du sommeil, Genève, Suisse

Consultant Physician, Pulmonology Department, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Genève, Suisse

alain bigin younossian Training

Certificate in Sleep Medicine (SSSSC)

Title of FMH Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine

Title of FMH Specialist in Pneumology

Certification in Emergency Medicine (SSMUS) – Recertification in May 2019

Title of FMH Specialist in Internal Medicine

Doctorate of medicine

alain bigin younossian Languages

  • French
  • English

Hôpital de La Tour
Bâtiment B1
Avenue J.-D. Maillard 3
CH-1217 Meyrin

Tel. +41 22 719 62 60
Fax +41 22 719 64 70

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