Cenas closely works with you and Efficium to design a bespoke 360° sleep programme

Depending on your needs and choices, and in agreement with our physicians, Cenas provides you with a wide range of recognised medical and complementary solutions such as micronutrition, hypnosis, mindfulness, EFT and many other specialities. With Cenas, you benefit from a genuine 360° approach to sleep.

cenas efficium medecine 360
médecine 360

médecine 360

médecine 360

Efficium - An expert in integrative health

Efficium, a long-standing partner of Cenas, is known for its multidisciplinary and sustainable care approach to chronic conditions, including sleep disorders. After a comprehensive health assessment, Efficium assesses with the patient the most relevant course of action for them according to their specific needs and objectives, and using a wide range of complementary solutions provided by health professionals.

A unique and 360° overview of your sleep disorders

Through an innovative – and unique in Switzerland – approach, CENAS works with Efficium’s experts to build a bespoke and individualised support according to your needs and physicians’ advice. This comprehensive health programme combines high-quality medical care with a wide range of complementary solutions to improve quality of life within a perfectly controlled therapeutic framework.

Hypnosis, micro-nutrition, mindfulness meditation, energy balancing (EFT), and more

Depending on the needs identified by physicians, and in accordance with your own choices, your care pathway may involve hypnosis, micro-nutrition, mindfulness meditation, energy balancing (EFT), sound therapy (Biotuning®) and many other specialities recognised by health professionals.

Cenas and Efficium, collaborating for sustainable sleep and health for all

Cenas’ ambition is to offer the most respectful integrative approach to sleep in order to optimise the treatment and management of chronic and acute disorders. Our physicians’ multidisciplinary expertise is combined with Efficium’ extensive experience to provide you with a comprehensive 360° approach, for a targeted response at physiological, psychological and emotional levels.

About Efficium

Since 2003, the Efficium Integrative Medicine Center, based in Geneva, has been developing an innovative approach where specialists in integrative medicine collaborate and interact to optimize the success of each person’s health and well-being projects.

Integrative medicine center

Tour Opale
Chemin de la Gravière 3
1225 Chêne-Bourg

Tél. +41 22 307 10 90
Fax +41 22 307 10 91

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